Our Story
Jewellery that empowers - ZAZOOH
Women Empowerment
"Latin America is the region with the most inequality, discrimination and violence on the planet (UNICEF, 2019)."
The identities, experiences, opportunities and discrimination are not homogeneous; they change according to the place of residence, social rules, and poverty condition, but one important - often forgotten - factor is gender equality.
Gender equality, for ZAZOOH, means that women must enjoy equal rights, resources, opportunities and protections. However, the reality continues to show that women in their diversity still face greater disadvantages because of their gender. The historical inequalities that women have faced in this regard continue to have intergenerational impacts that reach today's women.
This prevents progress in the enjoyment of equal conditions and in building new skills, social relationships and healthy and fair environments for women.
Empowerment of women is key to breaking the cycle of discrimination and violence. When a society achieves that women achieve their full economic, physical and political autonomy, ensures that their rights are fulfilled in equality conditions and, therefore, also guarantees that later generations women have full development.
Supporting empowerment is nothing more than strengthening knowledge and skills so that more women have freedom, information and support to make decisions about their own lives and act to make them happen.
ZAZOOH’s empowerment program provide meaningful participation by allowing women in Latin America to acquire knowledge and skills, develop skills, innovate and have self-confidence.
To make their dreams come true and enjoy integral development, ZAZOOH promotes gender equality and supports empowerment of girls and women in Latin America. Our mission is to create a gender equal society where women feel empowered.